Sample Report
YES! Detailed Report
The Detailed Report gives introductory insight into your unique design. The results will equip you to understand your strengths and non-strengths, your personality, interests, skills and priorities, and help increase self-awareness as you make important study path and career decisions. Click to view what you get with the Detailed Report.
Once you have taken the YES! assessment and have the Detailed Report, it’s ready for you to use. A YES! Consultant will show you how to use the YES! Interactive Tool to help you get the most out of your Detailed Report. This tool allows you to test a potential career to see how it will fit your unique design. The more the target is filled in, the more you will know that you are on target to finding a career which matches your personality, interests, skills and abilities, and priorities! You’re on the way to being the best you can be.
The YES! Interest Pathways document can help generate career ideas and confirm the Detailed Report results. A Certified YES! Consultant will guide you in its effective use.